statutory warning: All characters in the story are fictitious. There are days when, in spite of all around, I can feel a void. Yes, I miss you. As always. You keep coming in my thoughts. But, I hate to call them memories. I fear you will become my past. Wish the fear never turns into a reality... W ondering what these lines mean? Sounds like some love-sick moron’s narration. But it is not. It's difficult to shrugg off things easily. Dont' know when did the feeling sank into my system. February 16, 2005. The Valentine's Day fever had just got over. But, the hangover was still in the air. Not that I am one ardent believer of these special days. But, at times, it's really difficult to overlook the importance of these days. Anyway, that particular day I got a mail in one of the social networking sites. Hesitatingly yet curiously, I clicked on the mail and opened it to read what the stranger had to say. I had ignored many others like this. But, this one was of special inter...
Showing posts from August, 2007