Friday, September 06, 2024

Voyager 1 Space craft diagram



Voyager 1

Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft

Voyager-1 departed Earth on 5 September 1977, after it's sister spacecraft left the Earth.

​It moved beyond the bubble of gas emitted by the Sun - a domain known as the heliosphere - in 2012.

​Voyager-1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems. (NASA)

​What was the primary objective of these twin spacecrafts, V1 and V2?  They were doing a survey of the planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune- which was done in 1989.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Self love

Rose photo superimposed with one of these photo editor apps.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Political Crisis in Bangladesh reached the climax

The student protest in Dhaka turned bitter and the state government pressed police force and took reactionary measures to repress.

The current social turmoil in Bangladesh since June 5 has come to a full circle with the resignation of Prime Minister Shekh Hasina on Tuesday. For more than one month, students took to the streets of Dhaka, the capital. They were up in arms to fight against the quota system in government jobs. 

Earlier there was 60 per cent quota for the families of the martyrs of Bangladesh War in 1971. Hasina government outrightly scrapped the reservation procedure leading to consternation among students in universities in Dhaka. The Supreme Court reinstated the quota system but the allotment was not in favour of students. The students wanted  the quota system based on merit. The Supreme Court finally came to the decision to give only seven per cent quota to the families of the martyrs' families, two per cent to the other backward class, transgenders and 93 per cent to the students based on merit. Meanwhile, as the students were fighting against the government, many innocent lives were affected by the upheaval which turned ugly between July 12 and 20. The uncontrollable crowd waz somehow brought under control by deploying rapid action force. Borders were sealed. Export and import business came to a halt. Trucks carrying essential food items were stopped near Petropol border.

Indian students who had no idea about such escalating tension didnt have a choice to move out of the scenario but they too were petrified to come back home since railways and road communication was thwarted. Somehow they managed to return with their lives since protests were by then had changed its colour. The political crisis now grew bigger as police declared curfew and gave shoot-at-sight order to create fear. They threw tear gas and rubber bullets at students. Notwithstanding the political crisis, the government administration run by the Prime Minister Shekh Hasina felt the pressure since buildings were set on fire. Several areas in Dhaka like Rampur, Narayanganj, Heely. In the last one month, more than 300 people were killed during protests by the Opposition Awami League.

The inability of the government to bring back normalcy ead the Prime Minister flee the country. Seventy-six-year old Sheikh Hasina is the daughter of the President of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibar Rahman known as Banga Bandhu who had close ties with India.

(Bangladesh Violence: बांग्लादेश में प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना के इस्तीफे की मांग को लेकर बवाल चल रहा है. इस झड़प में अब तक कम से कम 100 लोगों की मौत भी हो गई है. प्रदर्शनकारी हिंदुओं को निशाना बना रहे हैं. रविवार को हुई भीषण झड़प में 14 पुलिसकर्मियों समेत 100 लोगों की मौत हो गई और सैकड़ों अन्य घायल हो गए. कट्टरपंथियों ने हिंदुओं और मंदिरों पर हमले किए. द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, इस्कॉन और काली मंदिरों समेत हिंदुओं के घरों को निशाना बनाया गया. हंगामे को देखते हुए भक्तों को शरण लेने के लिए मजबूर पड़ा. हिंसा में एक हिंदू की भी मौत हुई है. ऐसे में भारत सरकार ने एडवाइजरी जारी की है.  भारत ने लोगों को यात्रा से बचने को कहा. बांग्लादेश में इस समय इंटरनेट और मोबाइल नेटवर्क बंद कर दिया गया है, वहां पूरे देश में कर्फ्यू लागू है.) (ABP live)

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 15, 2024. Happy Independence Day.


तिरंगा लहराते हुए खुले आसमान में लगता हैं जैसे भारत की आन बान शान हैं हमारी आजादी।

Tiranga, Tricolour. 

Mera Bharat Mahan.

आजादी के 78 years पूरे हुऐ इस साल 2024 में।

Sunday, August 18, 2024

যত মত তত পথ

Life changed course

আমার কিছু কথা না বলাই থাকবে যদি না আমি গত কয়েকবছর আমার শারীরিক কিছু অসুবিধার কথা খুলে না বলি। যদিও আমি একজন English medium এ পড়া একজন student and although not a topper কিন্তু আমি খুব পড়াশুনো ও বই নিয়ে থাকতে ভালোবাসি। I have always loved reading books outside the syllabus. এটা মোটেই আমার জীবন কাহিনী নয়। This is a lesson, and not just an experience which I have acquired by spending my savings to become independent. আমার বাবা Mr Sasanka Sekhar Banerjee একজন professional এবং পেশায় engineer from Bata India Limited. 🍀. আমি মোটেই engineering পড়তে সক্ষম হয়নি। I lacked that stamina which an engineer must have to become an achiever or performer. কিন্তূ আমি একজন engineer বাবার সঙ্গেই বড় হয়ে শিখেছি। আমার কোনদিন কোনো ইচ্ছা হয়নি engineer হতে but I knew about Joint Entrance Examination and I also knew that to appear for JEE one must have good scores in Madhyamik Examination. My mother's sudden illness during my first Board Exams somewhat changed the course of my life. I had decided to work on my own and stand on my feet যাকে বাংলায় বললে শোনাবে নিজের পায়ে দাড়ানো।

My mum had a prolong illness and soon after Madhyamik Examination we as in my mum, my daddy and I went to Apollo Hospital down South in Chennai. That was my first journey to the Deccan plateau by Coromandel Express. The year was April, 1997. 

My uncle Mr Debasheish Chakraborty who was then  in the Indian Air Force was posted in Avadi, Madras (now Chennai after name change). 🌸We went to my uncle's house and then we went to Apollo Chennai for my mother who was then very ill 🤒 and had a serious weight loss after a prolong treatment for breast tumour. Finally, when she got a respite, we travelled very far for my mother's speedy recovery. First time, I had heard the name of Apollo Hospital where a lady doctor gave her Primerose tablets. I was too young 🌱 and I don't remember anything more than this except the fact that my uncle took us by car to Marina beach ⛱️ one of the beautiful beaches in Chennai just like Juhu beach in Mumbai. I have a snap by the side of the beach sidewalk. And my father, my uncle and I walked for a while on the beach ⌛ which was very far from the Indian Ocean 🌊 I remember we were walking and it was unusually dark 🌑 and the sea ⛵ was not within our vision, and we walked for three minutes but suddenly since it was very dark, we retreated and went back to the road dropping the idea of seeing the sea at night. Chennai weather is pleasant at night, although days are scorching 🥵. One of the city's best restaurants which serve South Indian dishes like Idly and Dosai is Shravana and we had the opportunity to have those delicacies. Good memories remind me of my uncle his family and then my sis and bro who were kids then. 

আমার জীবনের মোড় ঘোরালেন আমার মামা। যার বাড়িতে আমি summer 🌞 vacation কাটাতে গিয়ে আমার মায়ের চিকিৎসা করালাম. আমাকে খুব অসুস্থ দেখে আমার মামা আমাকে advise করেছিলেন Science 🧪 না পড়তে। হে had told me to study Arts. আমি তখনও Amar results হাতে পায়নি কিন্তু I was not really ready to accept what he had said since I too like every good student had dreamt to pursue a career in science. But my uncle had an advice to study Arts and read and write in English which would surely help me have a grasp on any subject that I would take up. I didn't believe what he had said because I was too young to believe him. But my parents considered the "mohabakyo" or as we say বেদবাক্য। My parents immediately gave in and decided to enroll me in Arts Section in a new school. My life had changed, and my life's course changed its path under the Sun and Moon 🌙 showering light in the place far away from my home city. I budged and followed their words after protests which were in vain. My mother made me change my mind, neither Science, nor Commerce, I chose myself to study Arts subjects ib my Plus two or Higher Secondary classes.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Paid parental leave for grand parents in Sweeden


Grand parents and single grand parent in Sweden have a reason to cheer. Sweeden has come up with a groundbreaking law which entails grandparents to take paid leave up to three months during the child's first one year after birth. Moreover, parent couple can transfer 30 days' leave while single parent can transfer 90 days' leave to the grand parents. This law comes 50 years after the Scandinavian country became the first in the world to offer paid parental leave to the father's and not just the mother's.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ghatkopar Hoarding Collapse, common lives in danger

 The banner that fell down on the petrol pump at Pant Nagar in Mumai's Ghatkopar area killed 17 persons on the spot on May 13. More than seventy people were injured when the giant hoarding collapsed from a height of a high rise. Innocent people lost their lives soon after a storm dislocated the hoarding which was illegally erected by the side of the road. The investigation revealed that that one Ego Media Private Limited was the owner of the banner. The Director of the advertising agency Bhavesh Bhinde (current) was held soon after. But now after a month or so when the probe is on, several other facts are coming to the fore.

The Mumbai Sessions Court has dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of Jhanvi Marathe of Ego Media on May 31. She has escaped since then. Jhanvi Marathe was in charge since 2000 before Mr Bhinde took charge. The Director Bhinde was at large and was caught by Mumbai Crime Branch from Rajasthan. 

There is another part of the mishap that is causing a serious concern regarding the safety of citizens in a city like Mumbai where hoardings and banners are so common everywhere. The BMC engineer was also hauled for issuing structure certificate before the hoarding was erected.