
Showing posts from August, 2024

Political Crisis in Bangladesh reached the climax

The student protest in Dhaka turned bitter and the state government pressed police force and took reactionary measures to repress. The current social turmoil in Bangladesh since June 5 has come to a full circle with the resignation of Prime Minister Shekh Hasina on Tuesday. For more than one month, students took to the streets of Dhaka, the capital. They were up in arms to fight against the quota system in government jobs.  Earlier there was 60 per cent quota for the families of the martyrs of Bangladesh War in 1971. Hasina government outrightly scrapped the reservation procedure leading to consternation among students in universities in Dhaka. The Supreme Court reinstated the quota system but the allotment was not in favour of students. The students wanted  the quota system based on merit. The Supreme Court finally came to the decision to give only seven per cent quota to the families of the martyrs' families, two per cent to the other backward class, transgenders and 93 per ...

August 15, 2024. Happy Independence Day.

  तिरंगा लहराते हुए खुले आसमान में लगता हैं जैसे भारत की आन बान शान हैं हमारी आजादी। Tiranga, Tricolour.  Mera Bharat Mahan. आजादी के 78 years पूरे हुऐ इस साल 2024 में।

যত মত তত পথ

Life changed course আমার কিছু কথা না বলাই থাকবে যদি না আমি গত কয়েকবছর আমার শারীরিক কিছু অসুবিধার কথা খুলে না বলি। যদিও আমি একজন English medium এ পড়া একজন student and although not a topper কিন্তু আমি খুব পড়াশুনো ও বই নিয়ে থাকতে ভালোবাসি। I have always loved reading books outside the syllabus. এটা মোটেই আমার জীবন কাহিনী নয়। This is a lesson, and not just an experience which I have acquired by spending my savings to become independent. আমার বাবা Mr Sasanka Sekhar Banerjee একজন professional এবং পেশায় engineer from Bata India Limited. 🍀. আমি মোটেই engineering পড়তে সক্ষম হয়নি। I lacked that stamina which an engineer must have to become an achiever or performer. কিন্তূ আমি একজন engineer বাবার সঙ্গেই বড় হয়ে শিখেছি। আমার কোনদিন কোনো ইচ্ছা হয়নি engineer হতে but I knew about Joint Entrance Examination and I also knew that to appear for JEE one must have good scores in Madhyamik Examination. My mother's sudden illness during my first Board Exams somewhat changed the course of my li...